Matthew A.C. Cohen
Composer, Orchestrator, Arranger
Chicago Taken In Stride
A New Multi-Media Project in Collaboration with Photographer Stephen Serio
This project is one of my favorites that I have ever gotten to work on! I have been waiting to work on a project with acclaimed photographer Stephen Serio for some time now, and it has finally come to fruition!
The project is called "Chicago Taken in Stride", and includes photos and videos taken on the streets of Chicago. Alongside these photos and videos, I will be writing an album which will (hopefully) capture the essence of these stunning pieces of art.
The project will have it's first exhibition on November 21st at Loyola Academy, where all of these stunning photos, videos and music will be presented.
You can check out some more about the project and the pictures at the link below:
bUMS Original Score Out Now
The Original Score and Soundtrack Streaming Now
I'm super happy that the original score to bUMS is currently out now and available to stream wherever you listen to your music. The album contains a majority of the music I wrote for the film, clocking in at a whopping 100 minutes. Give it a listen and let me know what your favorite track is!
The Original Soundtrack has also been released, including songs written for the movie, and about the movie. The album was written and produced by the amazing Dane Diamond, and the director/producer of the film Jason Raphael. These songs are truly amazing, so definitely give that a listen as well!
Ripper Revealed
New Feature Film Releasing Later this Year
This summer I had the pleasure of scoring the film "Ripper Revealed", an interesting thriller centered around a journalist researching the true identity of notorious serial killer Jack the Ripper. The film takes a lot of twists and turns, and was a ton of fun to work on. It's set to release at the end of the year, so more details to come on that!
You can read some more about the film at the link below:
bUMS Out Now
Feature Film released on MGM Amazon
I am INCREDIBLY excited to announce that a feature film I had the pleasure of scoring entitled "bUMS", directed by the amazing Jason Raphael, is out now on Amazon Prime Video. The film was picked up by MGM Amazon studios and is currently streaming.​
I am incredibly proud of this film, and it holds the record for most amount of music I've ever written for a single project, clocking in at over 120 minutes of music!
You can check out the film at the link below: